Preface STEDEX '09


The inaugural Sustainable Tropical Environmental Design Exhibition | STEDEX '09 displays a collective expression of sustainability conceptions through architectural and landscape design. Breaking away from the conventional mode of design paradigm, STEDEX '09 aims to disseminate ideas and innovative solutions in sustainability issues in the design and planning of the tropical environment. It articulates the interplay of relevant issues and systematic analyses of contextual attributes and meanings as part of the creative design process in the respective disciplines.

The exhibits from selected studio works are representations of rigorous design processes and idea developments, design discourses and critiques between students and faculty members. These works are a repertoire of design exploration on forms, materials, methods and functions to create sustainable spaces and places for human habitats.

Sustainability is achieved when there is a harmonious integration between man and nature. Since the dawn of modernity, this harmonious relationship has been disrupted by man’s insatiable quest for maximum economic return together with his apathy towards the well-being of the mother earth.

New and ingenious knowledge in design are generated from careful synthesis of tangible and intangible aspects of the context. It has inspired the formulation of an integrated intellectual foundation towards environmental sustainability. STEDEX '09 is a source for a dialogue in sustainable design knowledge and practice with the intent to invigorate a discovering spirit for potential pragmatic, economic and meaningful design solutions for environmental sustainability.

Dean, Faculty of Design and Architecture